Federal Law-Suit Accuses F.B.I. of Spying at Mosques in California

The ACLU and the Council on Islamic American Relations, held a news conference Wednesday in downtown Los Angeles to announce a lawsuit filed Tuesday on behalf of three plaintiffs. They accuse the FBI and seven employees of infringing on the 1st and 4th amendment rights of hundreds of members of the local Muslim community by

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Some Muslims believe FBI may be spying in mosques

Muslim-American groups are accusing the FBI of planting moles in mosques across the U.S. Suspicions amongst Muslims have risen greatly since February, when Craig Monteilh publicly stated the FBI had used him to infiltrate mosques and spy on Muslims in Orange County, California. The FBI has not responded to Monteilh’s story, which leads many Muslims

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Southern California Muslims angry at informants in mosques

A week after it was revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has sent informants to infiltrate Orange County mosques, Muslims in southern California are expressing anger and distrust over the use of deceit in their spiritual life. Despite the reaction, former FBI agents and federal prosecutors say spying on mosques is still one of

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