The French scholar, Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, has been a target of death threats that led her to be put under police protection, after publishing in January 2023, The Brotherhood and its Networks: The Investigation (Le Frérisme et ses reseaux, L’Enquête) .[fn] [/fn]. An anthropologist at the French National Center for Scientific Research (Centre National de la

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Head of French Islam representative bodies: between novelties and continuity

In January, major changes occurred in central institutions in charge of the official representation of French Islam. Firstly, the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris [La Grande Mosquéede Paris], Dalil Boubakeur, unexpectedly resigned after a 28 years mandate, invoking personal reasons.  Chems-eddine Hafiz, was appointed  his successor few days later. Under Algerian influence, the

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Walk Against Islamophobia: 13,500 People Gather to Say No to Anti-Muslim Acts

The 5thof November, the French newspaper Le Parisienpublished an online survey stating that more than 40% of French Muslims declared having suffered discrimination. This survey, imperfect as it is, specified that French Muslims felt discriminated against in many sectors, such as the search for a job or an accommodation, their relationships with the police, or

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French Council of the Muslim Faith condemns Paris knife attack

Below is the official statement made by the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM) regarding the recent knife attack in Paris. “Horror has once again engulfed our country in the name of a totalitarian and deadly ideology! The French Council of the Muslim Faith vigorously condemns the attack, which according to a provisional assessment,

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Who is Khamzat Azimov, the Paris knife attacker?

Khamzat Azimov, the Paris knife attacker, was born in Chechnya and was on a list of potential terrorism suspects. Azimov stabbed five passers-by, fatally injuring one, in the middle of a crowded neighborhood. Azimot confronted three police offers with bloodied hands and face near the main Paris Opera house, the Rue Monsigny, witnesses said, and was

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