The Salafist ‘chick lit’ found in Paris bookstores

Sociologist Hasna Hussein recently published an op-ed in Libération discussing Salafism’s dangerous presence in young women’s literature.  In June, President Macron spoke before the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM) and promised to fight Daech’s propaganda and hate speech “step by step on theological grounds.” The radical jihadist ideology attracts more and more young people, notably

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France to block Muslim street prayers in Paris suburb

French authorities will stop Muslims from praying in a street north of Paris, said Interior Minister Gerard Collomb , after a series of protests by lawmakers and locals over what they view as an unacceptable use of public space. “They will not have prayers on the street, we will prevent street praying,” he said. Prayers

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2 men arrested near Paris planned terror attack, wanted to join ISIS

Two men who were arrested following the discovery of explosive materials and components at an apartment in a Paris suburb of Villejuif wanted to make a bomb to commit a terrorist attack, Paris’ prosecutor has said.   “They had agreed to commit an attack on the [French] territory to take revenge on the coalition but

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Muslim workers at Paris airport sue after fired for refusing to shave beards

An industrial tribunal will hear the case of four Muslim former security guards at Orly airport who say they were discriminated against when sacked for refusing to shave off their beards in the wake of the November 2015 terror attacks in Paris. Soon after those jihadist attacks that left 130 dead, management from the Securitas

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Grand Mosque of Paris denounces ‘vile terrorist act’

On Friday, the Grand Mosque of Paris denounced the “vile terrorist act” that caused 14 deaths in Barcelona. “After London, Paris, and other cities, the barbarity has once again returned, this time hitting Barcelona. The Grand Mosque of Paris firmly condemns the blind violence that attacks that which symbolizes tolerance and the vivre-ensemble,” wrote the

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