The Lies Hebbadj Affair in France Could Result in Tougher Anti-Polygamy Laws

Lies Hebbadj, the Muslim businessperson in Nantes who has received a great deal of media attention since his wife was fined with a traffic ticket (see:, has precipitated a new legal proposal to further criminalize polygamy in France (please see the Senate proposal below). Polygamy has been illegal in France since the 1993 Pasqua

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Report on Polygamy in France

French think tank the Montaigne Institute recently published this study on polygamy in France, highlighting the dangers for women in these marital arrangements. This report suggests that 500,000 people are affected by polygamous households, including adults and children. It includes 10 recommendations. The Pasqua law in 1993 formally prohibited polygamy in France.

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Report on polygamy in France

This article chronicles the financially and politically difficult lives of French polygamists of Malian and Senegalese-origins who live in housing projects near Paris. French think tank the Montaigne Institute recently publicized a study conducted on polygamy in France, where they highlight the dangers for women in these marital arrangements. The report suggests that 500,000 people

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