Naples imam to visit Auschwitz

Imam Yasin Gentile of Naples is planning on visiting the former Nazi death camp in Poland to pray for the victims, and that such tragedies do not happen ever again. “I am ready and Monday I will depart for Auschwitz, where I will pray with members of other faiths, for the victims of the Shoah

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Antisemitism and Islamophobia rising across Europe, survey finds

Antisemitism and Islamophobia are on the rise across Europe, according to a survey of global opinion released yesterday. In contrast to the US and Britain where unfavourable opinion of Jews has been stable and low for several years at between 7 and 9%, the Pew Survey of Global Attitudes found that hostile attitudes to Jews

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Comment of Bruce Anderson: We are destroying the very values which could save us in our battle against Islam

In 1683, a Turkish army reached the suburbs of Vienna. The outcome trembled in the balance until Jan Sobieski of Poland arrived with his army, threw back the Ottomans and finally freed western Europe from the threat of Muslim domination, thus completing the work begun by Charles Martel at Poitiers in 732. Or did he?

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Charter on Laïcité in Public Services and Other Judgments

On April 4, 2006, the government renewed the Haut Council on Integration. This report results from its first year of exercice. The report analyzes different models for integration in Europe, stressing particularly Spain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Poland, and the United Kingdom. It also provides recommendation on how to modify the Reception and Integration contract

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