The Backlash against the “Delegitimising Counter-Terrorism” Report

On April 26th 2022, Policy Exchange (a UK educational think tank) released a report “Delegitimising Counter-Terrorism: The Activist Campaign to Demonise Prevent”. Authored by Sir John Jenkins (British Diplomat), Dr Damon L. Perry (Senior Research Fellow), and Dr Paul Stott (Head of Security and Extremism ) the report was written in response to the “People’s Review

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Evidence of extremism in mosques ‘fabricated’

A rightwing thinktank which claimed to have uncovered extremist literature on sale at dozens of British mosques was last night accused of basing a report on fabricated evidence. The report by Policy Exchange alleged that books condoning violent jihad and encouraging hatred of Christians, Jews and gays were being sold in a quarter of the

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Living Apart Together

Policy Exchange has released Living Apart Together: British Muslims and the paradox of multiculturalism, a major new survey of the attitudes of Muslims in Britain and the reasons behind the rapid rise in Islamic fundamentalism amongst the younger generation. The research finds that there is a growing religiosity amongst the younger generation of Muslims and

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The Hijacking of British Islam

An authoritative new report by Policy Exchange, the UK’s leading centre-right thinktank, entitled The Hijacking of British Islam: How extremist literature is subverting Britain’s mosques, reveals the worrying extent of extremist penetration of mosques and other key institutions of the British Muslim community. The report is the most comprehensive academic survey of its kind ever

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