To Muslim Intellectuals, Pope Francis represents the Opportunity for Dialogue.

The election of Pope Francis has been hailed as an invitation to dialogue from other religions. Euronews correspondent in Turkey met Cemal Usak, a Muslim intellectual, according to whom the new pope represents a new hope, “John Paul II was very open to dialogue, especially with Muslims. Pope Benedict, was, on the contrary, very closed

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Tariq Ramadan’s interpretation of Pope Benedict XVI

* POPE BENEDICT XVI: SUMMING UP *CATHOLIC CHURCH HAS SERIOUS PROBLEMS * Tuesday, 5 March 2013* It can only be hoped that the next pope will be better fitted to grasp the great issues of the day. Pope Benedict will not have left his mark on history quite as decisively as his predecessor, John Paul

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Holy Land: Christians and Muslims remember Pope Benedict the XVI

3/8/2013 RadioVaticana During the past few days, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Druze and greek-orthodox organized moments of prayer and initiatives to commemorate Benedict XVI as they all await the election the new Successor. Some communities even asked Muslims to express their opinion of Pope Benedict XVI. Many cited the Regensburg speech, in which, according to this

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Pope Benedict XVI and Turkey’s Muslims – The Eternal Theologian

Pope Benedict XVI was only just in the process of becoming a Pope. He will be remembered by the Turks as someone who got lost in this process. How Turkish Muslims viewed Benedict XVI. By Kerim Balci The Turks often view global events from the perspective of their own domestic politics. In Turkey, the unexpected

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U.S. Muslim Group Offers ‘Best Wishes’ to Resigning Pope, Seeks Positive Relations with New Pontiff

In a statement reacting to Pope Benedict’s decision to step down at the end of this month, Nihad Awad, national executive director of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said: “We offer the American Muslim community’s best wishes to Pope Benedict XVI as he leaves his position as head of the Roman Catholic Church.

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