End of the II Inter-religious Iberian-American Summit in Barcelona

30 June 2012   For three days, leaders, experts and representatives of different religious denominations coming from America, Spain and Portugal met in Barcelona. The Director General of Religious Affairs has emphasized in his speech “the ability to dialogue and listening and the importance of interreligious dialogue.” In the closing ceremony was also discussed and

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Fifty Percent of Europeans Think of Islam As a Religion of Intolerance, Study Finds

11 March 2011 The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, a social democratic foundation, has published a report on right-wing extremism, intolerance and discrimination in Europe. Supremacy against particular groups is a widespread phenomenon in the eight European countries that the study focussed on (Germany, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Poland and Hungary). Several racists statements found strong agreement

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Germans less tolerant of Islam than neighbours, study finds

2 December 2010 Germans are more critical of Islam and less tolerant of building mosques than their neighbours in France, Denmark, the Netherlands and Portugal, a new survey has found. Despite the other European countries’ often fractious relationships with their Muslim communities, people there were relatively positive about Islam and its followers compared to Germany,

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European Muslims Perceptions of the Holocaust

International Conference Religions and Migrations Local Diversity and Global Challenges Religions and Migrations in Southern Europe September 30 –October 1, 2010 Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (Via Panorâmica, s/n, 4150-564 Porto) Porto, Portugal

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Europe hedges on Guantánamo detainees

European countries that have offered to help the Obama administration close the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba by resettling 60 o the 241 detainees in Europe detainees have begun raising questions about the security risks and requirements if they accept any of the prisoners. The concerns, and a deep suspicion of whether the American

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