Regional elections: National Front fails to win any regions

The National Front (FN) on Sunday night failed to win a single region, after leading in six of 13 French regions in the first round of regional elections one week earlier. There will be no further nationwide elections in France until the May 2017 presidential contest. Sunday’s poll was seen as a rehearsal for 2017.

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National Assembly strengthens anti-terrorism law

July 23, 2014 The National Assembly’s legal commission strengthened the law aimed at reinforcing France’s fight against terrorism. The legislation is expected to combat the threat represented by the presence of numerous French and European jihadists in Syria and in Iraq. The plan’s key measure provides for the possibility to prohibit, for a limited time,

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French socialist party member against law opposing burqas in public spaces

Christophe Caresche, PS (Socialist Party) deputy of Paris, has positioned himself against a law banning headscarves in public places, seeing it as an arm which could accelerate “an already marginal phenomenon.” While claiming that wearing the burqa and niqab “call into question women’s dignity in the public sphere,” a ban being pushed by UMP deputies

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Most Muslim Voters in France Lean to the Left

In this short summary of a recent study by the IFOP (Institut Français d’Opinion Publique or the French Institute of Public Opinion) published in La Croix on September 1st, based on a study of 3280 French Muslims between 2003-2008, 51% vote for the PS (Socialist Party). 26.8% of the rest of the French population typically

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Evacuated Muslims In Noisy-Le-Grand Are Praying On The Lawn

By Xavier Ternisien NOISY-LE-GRAND – In compliance with court ruling, the police evacuated Muslims from a company’s building. The more than 10 thousand Muslims, about one-sixth of the town’s total population, have tried several times before to purchase an adequate site of worship, but the municipality has thwarted their attempts so far. A group of

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