Secularism confronts Islam

The author has already written elsewhere about the failure of political Islam because of the non-compatibility of the Islamic imaginary with the structure of the modern state. A political agenda based on Revelation will be bound to coercively suit society to law rather than the other way around. Olivier Roy, France’s leading philosopher-political scientist, disagrees…

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    Debate Surrounds Women-Only Basketball Tournament

    Strong debate has emerged related to the canceling of a women’s basketball tournament organized by a Muslim Community Organization (l’Association culturelle des musulmans de Vigneux) in a municipal gymnasium in Vigneux-sur-Seine (Essonne) which promised a women’s-only event. The event became so heated that the French minister of Sports, Bernard Laporte, visited the neighbourhood. The city’s…

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    Space for Islam? Urban policy, resources, and organizations

    Published in Dutch only: “Ruimte voor de islam? Stedelijk beleid, voorzieningen, organisaties” In deze minutieuze studie legt Marcel Maussen de gecompliceerde verhoudingen in de samenleving met `de’ islam bloot. Hij doet dit door de toon van het publieke en politieke debat, het gevoerde beleid en de relaties tussen islamitische groeperingen en instellingen en de gemeentelijke…

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    Politics of Visibility: Young Muslims in European Public Spaces

    This book takes into view a large variety of Muslim actors who, in recent years, made their entry into the European public sphere. Without excluding the phenomenon of terrorists, it maps the whole field of Muslim visibility. The nine contributions present unpublished ethnographic materials that have been collected between 2003 and 2005. They track down…

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