Will Islamic Stand-Up Play in Peoria? ‘The Muslims are Coming!,’ a Docu-comedy

“Every single solitary Butterball turkey in the United States of America has been sacrificed to Allah,” a conservative commentator says of halal meat in the montage that opens “The Muslims Are Coming!” Directed by the comedians Negin Farsad and Dean Obeidallah, the documentary begins strongly with this collection of absurd hatemongering, cobbled from television clips.

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Rachel Maddow: Rick Perry Probably Owes Detroit An Apology For Ties To Radical Anti-Muslim Preacher

The city of Detroit is “ground zero” for the culture wars, raves preacher Lou Engle, who has begun to stage overnight prayer events intended to convert Muslims to Christianity through revelations in their sleep. This the latest news from Rachel Maddow, who reminded her audience last night that kooky religious extremism was not foreign to

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UC Berkeley Report Documents Growing Islamophobia in U.S.

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 6/23/11) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Race and Gender today released a report based on available data and interviews with experts that documents growing Islamophobia in the United States and offers recommendations about how to challenge the troubling phenomenon. Executive Summary: American Muslim

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