Congratulation of German president and Christian churches for the end of Ramadan

August 8   The president of the Federal Republic of Germany Joachim Gauck congratulated Muslims for the end of the Ramadan Month and the celebration of (Id-al Fitr). He stressed the need for constructive cooperation and trust building between Muslims and non-Muslims.   Also Nicolaus Schneider, the chair of the Evangelical church in Germany and

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Bishops’ Conference Wants to Strengthen Dialogue with Islam

24.08.2011 The German Bishops’ Conference and Pope Benedikt XVI are determined to strengthen their dialogue with Islam and collaborate to fight injustice, violence, and intolerance. According to the head of the Bishops’ Conference, Robert Zollitsch, this intention aligns itself with many Muslims’ and Christians’ desire for fair social conditions, more individual rights, and genuine democracy.

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