Italian senator calls for ‘Pig Day’ to defile Mosque site

A far-right senior Italian senator, called for a “Pig Day” protest against the planned construction of a mosque in northern Italy. Roberto Calderoli of the anti-immigrant Northern League party said last Thursday that he was ready to bring his own pig to “defile” the site where the mosque is due to be built in the

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Un Populist Italian Jette De L’huile Sur Le Feu

ROME – Un dirigeant de la droite populiste italienne exacerbe depuis plusieurs jours les sentiments anti-fran_ais en Italie avec des commentaires racistes sur l’_quipe de France de soccer, “compos_e de noirs, d’islamistes et de communistes”. Vice-pr_sident du S_nat italien et dirigeant de la Ligue du Nord, parti de droite populiste au ton souvent x_nophobe, Roberto

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Italian Minister to Wear Muslim Cartoon T-Shirt

A prominent Italian government figure planned on Wednesday to wear a T-shirt sporting cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that have sparked violent reactions from Muslims around the world. Reforms Minister Roberto Calderoli denied that the T-shirts are meant to provoke, but said there is no point in promoting dialogue with Muslim extremists.

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Immigrati/Calderoli: Da Ddl Cittadinanza; Unione Cerca Nuovi Voti; Serve Referendum Abrogativo O Condizioneranno Nostro Futuro

Quello presentato dal ministro Amato e approvato in Consiglio dei Ministri _ soltanto il cavallo di Troia con cui si cerca di introdurre il diritto di voto per gli immigrati, perch_ questi sono partiti dimezzando i tempi previsti per acquisire la cittadinanza ma hanno in mente altro. Lo sostiene in una nota Roberto Calderoli, Vice

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