The Pope’s New Clothes: A Message from Rev. Jerry Campbell, Tamar Frankiel, Ph.D.and Imam Jihad Turk

As Jorge Bergoglio begins his new life as Pope Francis, we join in celebration with the Roman Catholic Church in the election of the first Latin American, first Jesuit pontiff. With the selection of the name Francis (in reference to St. Francis of Assisi) it appears Bergoglio seeks to ring the bells of St. Peter’s for

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U.S. Muslim Group Offers ‘Best Wishes’ to Resigning Pope, Seeks Positive Relations with New Pontiff

In a statement reacting to Pope Benedict’s decision to step down at the end of this month, Nihad Awad, national executive director of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said: “We offer the American Muslim community’s best wishes to Pope Benedict XVI as he leaves his position as head of the Roman Catholic Church.

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GroenLinks Leader Feels “Islam is a Problem”

Leftwing Green (GroenLinks) leader Femke Halsema expressed criticism of Islam in an interview with newspaper De Pers, stating that the religion is “of course a problem”. The statement was a response to the newspaper’s suggestion that the ‘progressive’ GroenLinks does not campaign against orthodox Islam. Halsema reacted dismissively to the claim, citing her provocative 2006

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Muslims apologize for prayer in front of Milan cathedral

Muslim leaders in Italy are apologizing to the Roman Catholic Church following a pro-Palestinian rally and prayer outside a cathedral in Milan. In Milan, Muslims planned to meet with the city’s Roman Catholic archbishop to apologize for the impromptu service, in which a number of Israeli flags were burned.

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History made as Muslims visit Holy Land

Muslims, Jews and Christians joined together for a ground-breaking multi-faith pilgrimage to Jerusalem’s Holy Land. The group of 26 formed the first ever visit to Israel and Palestine organised by a predominantly Muslim group from Britain. A total of 23 Muslims took part in the pilgrimage, and were joined by fellow members of the East

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