Immigrants, growing number in Italy are Orthodox

Andrea Tornielli 5/13/2013   The Encyclopedia of Religion in Italy (pp. 1240, 125 euro) is a large volume created by the Turin based sociologists Massimo Introvigne and Pierluigi Zoccatelli, director and vice director of CENSUR, respectively. They found and described 836 religions present in Italy. One of the big findings that came out of the

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Rai Film about Islam

March 19, 2013 A Capuchin monk from Friulana, Marco D’Aviano, who energized Christians troops before the Battle of Vienna in which Ottoman army of 300,000 warriors was stopped in their besiegement of Vienna on September 11, 1683. The film explains that this was the first September 11; 300 years ago. Produced by RAI the film

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Omar Bakri, a radical Muslim linked to Al-Qaeda, is threatening Spain with terrorist attacks.

7 October 2012   Bakri has said to a journalist of the newspaper 24 Chasa that Spain is a Muslim country like Romania, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo or Bosnia. According to the Al-Qaeda agent born in Syria, which has banned from entering Britain since July 2005, any place that has always belonged to Islam, if

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Romania: Religion Debated in Romania Schools

Government education reforms to overhaul religious instruction and modernize curriculum are sparking debate in Romania, concerning the role of religion in schools. “Religious education here indoctrinates, fuelling prejudice against other faiths and against sexual minorities,” said Smaranda Enache, co-president of human rights group Liga Pro-Europa. However, Enache voiced her concern that teaching children to discriminate

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Spain’s dire straits for immigrants

African migrants trying to reach Europe find that entrance via Spain is the preferable route. The Spanish government says that illegal crossings by boat have decreased by 60% this year, compared to the previous year – about 31,000 illegal immigrants arrived by boat to the Canaries, which lies just 67 miles off the coast of

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