Judge rules in favor of Muslim woman on no-fly list

January 16, 2014   A Muslim woman now living in Malaysia struck a blow to the U.S. government’s “no-fly list” when a federal judge ruled Tuesday (Jan. 14) that the government violated her due process rights by putting her on the list without telling her why. Muslims and civil rights advocates say the no-fly list disproportionately targets

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Beniaján opens a mosque open to all people

06 May 2012 Two hundred people attended last night the launch of a communitarian center, which aims to serve those in need regardless of their religion. The population of Beniaján, Murcia has since yesterday a mosque to receive the more than 600 Muslims estimated to be living in the area, including nearby towns such as

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Tv Skewing Americans’ View Of Peaceful Islam, Muslim Leaders Say

DETROIT – It was an image of Islam that might have startled many Americans: a young Muslim woman wearing a traditional head scarf standing in the center of a chandeliered banquet hall singing the U.S. national anthem. “It saddens me,” Denise Hazime, a 25-year-old, Muslim American law student remarked after watching the woman sing to

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Youths Return To Islam Group Wages War On Stereotyping

By Lisa Fernandez Huda Shreim used to be a bad girl: Cutting class, fighting, lying, scrawling graffiti. Today, the 19-year-old Jordanian immigrant prays five times a day and covers herself from head to toe, following the Islamic mandate to dress modestly. She’s easy to spot in a full-length tie-dyed pink abaya robe and matching head

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