The closure of an Islamic Institute in Paris’s region

More than one month ago (the 26thof November), the IESH (the European Institute of Human Sciences) [Institut Européen des Sciences Humaines] has been forced to close its doors for preventive security measures under the order of the prefecture. The institute, located in Saint-Denis near from Paris, which was created in 2001, is an emblematic centre

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The « reopening » of French debate on veil: a national debate without any Muslims?

“Not here, not today”. This is what a local elected politician from the Rassemblement National(a far-right party) told to a veiled mother, who accompanied her son’s class for a school visit in the regional parliament in Burgundy (eastern France) the 11thof October. The politician urged the mother to remove her headscarf or to leave the

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French Senate agrees to ban veiled mothers from joining their kids on a school trip

  On the 15th of May, the French Senate examined a proposal for a new law – named the Blanquer law, in reference to the minister of Education—anchored in a vast project of reforming the French school system. The professed objective of such a law, originally proposed by the government of President Macron, is to

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German Evangelical Church conducts survey, ponders stance on Islam

The Social Science Institute of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) has published a new study titled “Islam and Muslims in Germany: The population’s view”. Just over 2000 respondents were questioned on the phone with respect to their perception of Islam’s place in German society. The study’s results can be accessed here. Although it is not

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Teacher convicted of attempting to radicalise 110 pupils, continuing the debate about Ofsted’s measures for targeting extremism

Umar Haque, who taught at two schools and at a madrassa, has been convicted of attempting to radicalise 110 of his pupils despite Ofsted inspections at the schools not revealing any concern of extremism. Questions have been raised about extending Ofsted’s powers to combat extremism as a result, a topic which is already controversial.

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