Woolwich attack: Scotland Yard monitoring radical cleric Anjem Choudary’s proclamations

Scotland Yard is closely watching radical cleric Anjem Choudary to see if his proclamations break the law, one of the force’s most senior officers told MPs today. The former spokesman for the now-banned Islamist group Islam4UK, who admitted knowing one of the men charged with the soldier’s murder, is also understood to be receiving police

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Nine Arrested in Connection to Woolwich Murder

26 May 2013   A 22 year old man was arrested in north London on Sunday in connection to the brutal murder of Drummer Lee Rigby on Wednesday. Witnesses say that five plainclothes police officers arrested the man while he was riding a bike on St Paul’s Road near Highbury Corner Sunday afternoon. A spokesperson

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English Defence League cancels anti-Muslim march

20 October 2012   The English Defence League (EDL) is set to march in Walthamstow, east London, on Saturday. The move is thought to be very provocative since the area is densely populated with Muslims. In addition, Leader Tommy Robinson vowed to show the inflammatory film Innocence of Muslims in the suburb. However, he was

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Suspect charged for abducting British journalist in Syria

17 October 2012 On Tuesday British police charged a man for abducting two western journalists working in Syria. Photo journalists John Cantlie from Britain, and Jeroen Oerlemans from the Netherlands, were abducted in Syria between July 17 and 26. On his return to Britain Cantlie first told the media about so-called ‘jihadist’ Britons who fight

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Babar Ahmad and Abu Hamza among UK-held terror suspects

Six terror suspects have lost a battle against their extradition from Britain to the United States. The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that five of them can be extradited, with the case of the sixth, Haroon Aswat, still under review. Babar Ahmad is a 37-year-old man from Tooting in south London. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17606337> He

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