New initiatives challenge anti-Muslim biases in German media landscape

Biased representations of Islam and Muslims abound across Europe, in journalism as well as in research. The situation is no different in Germany, as a recent book edited by Berlin-based academic Schirin-Amir Moazami shows: contributors to the volume Der Inspizierte Muslim (German for The Inspected Muslim) analyse the myriad ways in which research and public debates about Muslims –

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Islam: Rome, Commissioner Cutini Visits the Grand Mosque

The commissioner capitulates and shows social support, Rita Cutini, visited the Grand Mosque of Rome. Received by the Secretary General of the Islamic Cultural Center of the Great Mosque of Rome, Abdellah Redouane, Cutini attended the evening breaking of the fast during the month of Ramadan, and ate, as tradition stipulates, fresh dates and a

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Islam: The Grand Mosque of Rome, the 10 of July Ramadan will Begin

July 8, 2013 “On this occasion” said the Secretary-General of the Great Mosque of Rome, Abdellah Redouane “I present greetings to all Muslims of Italy calling upon God Almighty to spread peace over the whole world. Also this month of Ramadan is an opportunity for reconciliation and harmony between peoples. I ask all Muslims of

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Reactions to the Woolwich Attack

24 May 2013   Visiting the site of the horrific attack in Woolwich recently, Dr Shuja Shafi, the Deputy Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain, led a delegation of community leaders including Tariq Usmani, Chair of Greenwich Islamic Centre, Julie Siddiqui, Vice president, Islamic Society of Britain and Saeed Ahmed, Greenwich Independent Police

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Muslim Council vows action to stop children being groomed for sex

The Muslim Council of Britain has said it will take action to prevent girls being “groomed” for sex. Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra of the council said people were sometimes reluctant to speak out – but they have a “religious duty” to do so. He said the council was working with groups including the NSPCC, police and

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