Working definition of Islamophobia proposed by the UK APPG on British Muslims in December 2018 given widespread support, but with critique on the use of race and the disregard of root causes.

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on British Muslims has put forward the first working definition of Islamophoba in the UK, set out in its report ‘Islamophobia Defined’. Launched in 2017, the cross party group of parliamentarians was established to highlight the aspirations and challenges facing British Muslims, celebrate their contributions, and investigate prejudice, discrimination

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A secular Muslim’s guide to drinking alcohol during Ramadan

Writing in the Washington Post, Khaled Diab offers his guide to drinking alcohol during Ramadan for secular Muslims. While alcohol is considered prohibited by the majority of Muslims, a significant minority of Muslims do consume it, and interestingly, a number of Muslim-majority countries top the global rankings for alcohol consumption, meaning Muslims living in them often outdrink their Western counterparts.

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BBC Radio 4’s ‘Too Young to Veil?’ examines controversy around primary school age girls wearing the hijab

Shaimaa Khalil discusses the rising trend in the UK of primary school girls wearing the hijab, whether there is a need for concern about this, and who, if anyone, has the right to decide what young girls wear.

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Law, religion, and ethics experts comment on the proposed Icelandic circumcision ban

Writing in The Religion Factor, experts in law, religion, and ethics have offered their analysis of the proposed ban on child circumcision in Iceland, revealing the nuances of, and the concepts dominating, the discourse surrounding it.

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Muslim organizations celebrate Macron victory

  Following the announcement of Emmanuel Macron’s victory, the Grand Mosque of Paris released the following statement: “The Grand Mosque of Paris sees signs of a France that has reconciled its spiritual and religious differences in order to respond in unity to the threats of division that weigh on our Nation. It’s a sign for France’s

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