Local Police agents break into a Mosque in Mataro

05 August 2013   The local Police (Mossos d’Esquadra) of Mataro broke on Sunday into the mosque of Rocafonda coinciding with the celebration of Laylat al-Qadr, the Night of Destiny, which occurs between the twenty-sixth and twenty -and-seventh day of Ramadan. The police was following a group of young people that was previously manifesting in

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Al Qaeda launches a new magazine that contains several references to Spain.

22 July 2013   Security forces have detected the launch of a new  Jihadist magazine that since weeks circulates in radical Internet forums. Its name is AZAN, and it is published by a group known as ‘Mujahideen in Khorasan’ akin to Al Qaeda.  Its first issue has several references to Spain and contains also an

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A National Unity Government for Egypt!

President Morsi has failed. The divided nation now needs real dialogue. The majority of Egyptians is against a theological state, says diplomat and political analyst Ashraf Swelam Egypt is more divided than ever before. You don’t have to be a genius to recognize this fact. And yet, President Mohammed Morsi has not comprehended the situation.

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Young Islamist sends out death calls against Right-wing movement Pro NRW

May 25 The 27 year-old German Islamist Yassin Chouka, alias “Abu Ibrahim” has sent out a death call via the Internet. In a video, released on the You Tube platform on May 18th, he condemns the Muhammad Cartoon campaign, organized a few weeks ago by the right-wing movement party of Pro North Rhine-Westphalia in some

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Swastika at the Islamic Centre

Two minors are under investigation for the swastika that appeared December 3rd on the walls of the Centre for Islamic culture in Lendinara (Rovigo). The act seems to be the consequence of a broil between Italian and Moroccan boys. According to the security forces, the two investigated aren’t be part of a subversive group. The

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