Interview with the Senegalese Sociologist Amsata Sene Last Stop Senegal

Many young Senegalese want to go to Europe to escape unemployment and poverty. They risk their lives to fulfil this goal. Of those that make it, most are deported back to Senegal. Naima El Moussaoui spoke to the Senegalese sociologist Amsata Sene about the causes and the consequences of irregular migration to Europe Mr Sene,

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New Book Tallies Five Million Muslims in France

According to France’s Minister of the Interior, there are currently 5 million Muslims living in its border, approximately 5% of which are regular practitioners. In their new book on French Muslims (Les Musulmans en France, _dition Robert Laffont), Bernard Godard and Sylvie Taussig estimate that more that 1.5 million are Algerian or of Algerian-origin. The

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Spain to Senegalese migrants – stay home

In September 2007, images of a drowned man washed up on a rocky seashore appeared on Senegalese television sets, as part of a campaign to discourage Senegalese to stay in Senegal, and not risk their lives trying to reach Spain and Europe. The same advertisement features Senegalese pop star Youssou N’Dour, saying You already know

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Organization of the Islamic Conference criticizes Netherlands for doing little to stop Islamophobia

In a report by the monitoring committee of the organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the Netherlands is coming under fire for doing very little to stop Islamophobia – this pertaining to the release of an anti-Quran film by Geert Wilders, expected to be released later this month. The Islamophobia Monitor, the first ever such

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France wants African help to fight illegal immigration

France wants to clinch agreements on curbing immigration with some 20 African countries by the end of 2009, Immigration Minister Brice Hortefeux said Wednesday. An agreement is currently under negotation with Congo Republic and “in the coming months I will begin discussions with other countries,” Hortefeux told a conference of French ambassadors in Paris. “We

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