Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi denounces the ban against the full veil in Tunisia and France

In a video broadcast on the Internet, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, self proclaimed “Caliph” and “leader of Muslims” opposed the recent court decision that upheld the ban against the full veil in France, and Tunisia’s similar legislation. He stated, “Western countries perceive terrorism in the establishment of Sharia and in the freedom of the Muslim.”

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State senators advance controversial ‘anti-Sharia’ bill

TALLAHASSEE—A controversial measure dubbed an “anti-Sharia bill” advanced out of the Florida Senate on a 24-14 vote Monday. The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Alan Hays, R-Umatilla, touted SB 286 as “an American bill.” It would restrict judges from considering foreign law in matters of divorce, alimony, child support and custody. Under the language of the bill, an order of

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Sharia law for wills

March 23, 2014   The Law Society is to issue a practice note to solicitors who may be interested in drafting “Sharia-compliant” wills for their Muslim clients. Some have argued that by issuing the note the law society has opened the doors on the technical issues surrounding gender discrimination inherent in Sharia not only regarding

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Anti-social behaviour order (Asbo) for ‘religious extremism’: Muslim convert given five-year preaching ban

February 14, 2014   A man from east London who took part in vigilante patrols and promoted Islamic extremism has been given a “landmark” Asbo banning him from preaching in public, police said. Jordan Horner, a Muslim convert, has been consistently linked to extremist groups and has already been jailed for harassing and attacking “non-believers”

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Paris denies French school is teaching sharia law in Qatar

February 5, 2014   France’s Foreign Ministry has denied media reports that a French international school in Qatar has agreed to teach Islamic sharia law and separate boys and girls into different classrooms. A recent agreement between the Lycée Voltaire in Doha and French authorities does not involve changes to religion classes or dividing classes

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