Responses and reflections as American Muslims are pulled into the Abortion debate

Accusations of Shariah The raging abortion debate has drawn in Muslims, in part because of the rhetoric used by those opposing the turn the country has taken in restricting abortion almost absolutely. In enacting these stringent abortion laws, many have accused right wing advocators of bringing in their own version of shariah law. The implication

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Independent review examining the application of Sharia councils in the UK invites conflicting responses, including from the Home Office

The recently published independent review was set up to examine the manner in which Sharia law was being applied in conjunction with UK law, and in particular, whether it is facilitating discriminatory practices against women.

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Runoff Near, Debate Shifts to a New Set of Issues

During the five-way race in the Republican primary to represent a 12-county Hill Country district in the Texas House, two candidates, Rob Henneke and Andrew Murr, largely focused on the state’s water policy and ensuring local control of decisions on education and infrastructure. The two have advanced to the May 27 runoff to succeed State

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Global financial crisis broadens appeal of Islamic finance in France

French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde has promised to make adjustments to the regulatory and legal rules to allow Paris to become a major marketplace in Islamic finance. Lagarde added that Western financiers could learn from Islamic banks and its “new principles for the international financial system, based on transparency, responsibility and…moderation.” London has attracted the

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Britain grapples with role for Islamic justice

A Muslim woman requested an Islamic divorce on the grounds that her husband physically and emotionally abused her, and told her that he wanted her dead. Her husband was opposed to the divorce, and when an Islamic scholar adjudicating the case seemed opposed to the divorce, the wife brought in her father as a “secret

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