German TV debate between Merkel and Schulz focuses on migration and Islam, catering to populists

German voters will choose a new chancellor on September 24 in an electoral contest pitting incumbent Christian Democrat Angela Merkel against Social Democrat Martin Schulz. After a brief surge in the polls earlier this year, Schulz’ SPD now looks set to lose the election to Merkel, trailing her CDU by about 15 percentage points in

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Islam: Bitonci to Alfano and Kyenge: In Padua, Open Mosques Become Hotels

July 1, 2013   “It’s just a matter of money” some members of the Moroccan community in Padua say they quarreled among themselves about economic issues and, it seems, can no longer pray together. For this reason they want another mosque, in a district which is already suffering, where integration is made impossible by immigrant

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Dutch Cabinet to Dedicate Funds to Victims of Honour Violence

February 4 2011 Following a pilot study of two shelters serving women persecuted in honour related violence, Deputy Welfare Minister Marlies Veldhuijzen van Zanten has announced she will earmark additional funds for these victims. The minister wants the funds to help identify the problems at an early stage and to help victims resume their normal

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High Rate of Sexual Abuse Among Dutch Honor Violence Victims

October 11 2010 A book published this week by Dutch social services organization Fier Fryslan, entitled Zahir, reveals that honor related crime victims are sexually abused more frequently than previously thought. The organization reports that of the 89 women engaging their services between January 2008 and March 2010, 45 were sexually abused by family members.

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Paris ‘Little Kabul’ shelters Afghan boys

According to, every evening as many as 100 Afghan refugee boys arrive at the Villemin Square, in Paris’ trendy 10th district, to roll out their blankets and sleeping bags. Exhausted and without resources, they are struggling to rebuild their lives in the West. According to the refugee advocacy group France Terre d’Asile (France Land

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