Islam: Tomorrow a New Mosque Opens in Siena

October 24, 2013   A new mosque will open in the province of Siena. Tomorrow, Friday October 25 at 11 am, the new headquarters of the Islamic cultural center of Colle di Val d’ Elsa will open its doors to all. The opening will be welcomed by the President of the Community of Muslims and

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“La Padania”, the Northern League’s newspaper, denounces choice of Muslim artist to design Christian banner

The Northern League opposes the decision of the city of Siena to sign an Italian Lebanese artist to paint the banner (“drappellone”) that will be awarded to the winner of the famous horse race held in Siena (Palio). This year the banner is dedicated to Our Lady of Provenzano and also the Virgin Mary, who

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Protest against new mosque in Siena

Prominent Italian Muslim Khaled Fouad Allam is joining a protest against the building of a mosque in the central Italian town of Siena. “I am against the building of the mosque, not because I believe the faithful should not have the right to a place of worship but because it is premature to have mosques

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Kurdish journalists on death row honored in Siena

Two Kurdish journalists who have condemned in Iran, have been awarded a prestigious Italian prize for freedom of the press. Adnan Hassanpour and Khalil Boutimar were awarded in Siena’s Town Hall, and recognized for their insistence on publishing the controversial Kurdish-Farsi news magazine _Asu’ which was shut down by Iranian authorities in 2005 and later

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Islam: Siena, Lista Civica; Presenta Ricorso Contro; Moschea Colle Val D’elsa

Esponenti della Lega Nord Toscana saranno presenti al Tribunale di Poggibonsi in occasione del dibattimento sul ricorso presentato dalla Lista Civica di Colle Val d’Elsa (Siena) sul referendum contro la moschea che dovrebbe sorgere, nei piani dell’amministrazione comunale, in localita’ ‘La Badia’. Lo annuncia il Carroccio di Siena. ”Dalla Magistratura, indipendente dalla politica come sancito

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