The UK’s top diplomat apologizes for calling the Sikh Golden Temple a mosque, demonstrating prominence of religious illiteracy

Britain’s most senior diplomat has apologised for calling one of the holiest sites in Sikhism a mosque, demonstrating the prominence of religious illiteracy which leads to Sikhs often being confused with Muslims.

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Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs are targets of violence: Barack Obama

US President Barack Obama has acknowledged that even today a number of people from the South Asian origin — particularly those from Hindu, Muslim and Sikh communities — are becoming victims of hate crimes in America. “Even today, South Asian Americans, especially those who are Muslim, Hindu and Sikh, are targets of suspicion and violence,”

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UN Human Rights Decision Backs French Sikhs

News Agencies – January 13, 2012 A Sikh man in France has won the backing of the United Nations Human Rights Committee in his fight over religious headgear. It said France was violating Sikhs’ religious freedom by forcing them to remove their turbans when having photos taken for passports and ID cards. Ranjit Singh, 76,

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Sikh man loses right to wear turban in driving license photo after EU court ruling

A Sikh man who wanted the right to wear a turban while being photographed for his French drivers’ licence has lost his case in the European Court of Human Rights. Shingara Mann Singh, a French national, lost a series of appeals in France against the authorities who refused to issue a new license with a

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