Slovenia: Vandals Spray Nationalist Symbols on Graves of Muslim Soldiers

The headstones of Muslim soldiers killed in the first World War have been vandalized in the North-western Slovenian Log pod Mangartom. The tombstones were sprayed with Serbian nationalistic symbols. Community Secretary Nizet Poric reacted angrily to the act of defacement, saying that the incidents are “first-class vandalism (and were) right out of order.” The local

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Race Against Time for Slovenia Mosque

The Muslim community in Slovenia is hoping to raise enough money to establish a long-awaited mosque – which would be the first ever built in the country. The city municipality has granted Ljubljana permission for the building and allocated land for the prospective mosque. However, money is needed to secure the building and construction, with

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Slovenia: UNHCR says elderly refugees struggle to integrate

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees says that Bosnian refugees living in Slovenia have a difficult time integrating in the country. Groups with special needs are often overlooked when there re mass refugee movements, and those who are above the age of 60 have a much harder time adapting than young and middle-aged refugees. Among

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