New Book: The Oxford Handbook of European Islam (Jocelyne Cesari, Editor)

The Oxford Handbook of European Islam is the first collection to present a comprehensive approach to the multiple and changing ways Islam has been studied across European countries. Parts one to three address the state of knowledge of Islam and Muslims within a selection of European countries, while presenting a critical view of the most

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Thesis Claims Dutch Temp Agencies Enable Discrimination

2 November 2011   A master’s thesis written by two sociology students at Amsterdam’s Free University concludes that the nation’s temporary job agencies participate in discrimination. The researchers note that in 76.8% of cases, temp agencies agreed when asked whether it was possible not to supply Turkish, Moroccan or Surinamese workers – a clear violation

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US Homegrown terrorism still a small threat, study says

Homegrown terrorism is not a significant threat in the US, according to Professor Charles Kurzman, a professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina and co-author of “Anti-Terror Lessons of Muslim-American Communities.” The study reveals that the number of individuals involved in terrorism in the US was only 139 since 2001, not enough of

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Contemporary Muslim Consumer Cultures – an Emerging Field of Study

Consumer culture in the Muslim world, or Muslims as a specific target group who participate actively in a consumer market, are rather new realms for academic researchers. For many Muslims, consumption plays an increasing role in identity formation. Their growing cultural and religious self-awareness transforms markets, advertising strategies and consumer behavior. Muslim consumer culture is

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Youth can become addicted to extremism

Islamic extremism should be regarded as a potential addiction for vulnerable young people in the same way as alcohol, drugs or gambling, according to Scotland’s counter-terrorism co-ordinator. Allan Burnett wants to introduce rehabilitative measures similar to addiction support to prevent youngsters from becoming radicalised by fundamentalists, instead of sending them to prison. Speaking on the

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