European Islam: Challenges for Society and Public Policy

Works on Islam in Europe often read like a juxtaposition of national case studies covering the history and perhaps the sociology of immigrant groups in the countries considered. Although the sociology of Islam is well-developed in certain European countries such as France, Germany and the UK, it is only in its infancy as a discipline…

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Islam in Europe: Diversity, Identity and Influence

Events over recent years have increased the global interest in Islam. This volume seeks to combat generalisations about the Muslim presence in Europe by illuminating its diversity across Europe and offering a more realistic, highly differentiated picture. It contends with the monist concept of identity that suggests Islam is the shared and main definition of…

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Les musulmans en France: Courants, institutions, communautés: un état des lieux

Ce précis de l’islam en France se distingue par son approche sociologique et clairement dépassionnée. Dans un souci permanent d’objectivité, Bernard Godard et Sylvie Taussig ont cherché à comprendre qui sont les millions d’hommes et de femmes, partageant le quotidien de tous les Français, qui appartiennent à cette religion, volontairement ou non, plus ou moins…

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