How Many Religious Symbols Can A Secular Society Tolerate?

Religion has found its way back into German society. Yet though church and state are kept separate, many Germans are asking themselves how much religious symbolism should influence their daily lives. The renaissance of religion is a phenomenon currently growing across the globe. In Germany, this development has raised many difficult questions, for example to

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Düsseldorf: Zwischen Ehrgeiz Und Benachteiligung Alevitentum Als Schulfach Eingeführt, Doch Anzahl Der Alevititischen

Sch_ler Unklar The Ministry of Education in North Rhine Westphalia has accepted the offer of the Alevitischen Gemeinde Deutschland to provide religious instruction in schools. This follows Berlin, Hessia, Bavaria, and Baden Wurttemberg in the recognition of the community. The instruction will follow the determination of the number of students desiring this instruction. The recognition

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