The female Islamic guerrilla deemed unworthy of Jihad: The Debate

In the aftermath of the Moscow events, a debate on the role of Muslim women as suicide bombers is taking place on the Internet. Many religious authorities around the world have been interrogated on the matter, giving different and interesting answers. Some, although recognizing the possibility at a theoretical level, end up denying woman’s participation

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British Muslim organization rules suicide bombings un-Islamic through Fatwa

The British Muslim organisation Minhaj ul-Qur’an has released the globally first fatwa ruling suicide bombings and terrorism prohibited and entirely un-Islamic. The author of the fatwa, Muslim scholar Dr Muhammed Tahir ul-Qadri, is the founder of the increasingly influential Minhaj ul-Quran movement. It is based on Sufi principles and in Britain, it advises the government

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British film satire on suicide bombers launched in US

Chris Morris, a humorist whose past TV programs have triggered controversy, has made a film about a group of British suicide bombers. Four Lions, which was partially funded by Film4, was screened last night at the Sundance film festival in Utah. The film culminates in scenes in which four young suicide bombers dressed in bird

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Would-be suicide bomber sentenced to prison

A would-be suicide bomber who tried to detonate a nail bomb in a restaurant but injured only himself was sentenced Friday to at least 18 years in prison. Nicky Reilly, a 22-year-old convert to Islam, was given a life sentence with a minimum term of 18 years. Reilly admitted to charges of attempted murder and

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Italy holds five on terror charge

Police in Bologna have arrested four Tunisians and one Moroccan, in the investigation of an alleged international terrorist ring, and are seeking a sixth. The ring of men is allegedly responsible for recruiting suicide bombers for attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan. Police raided residences of the men in Bologna, Ravenna, and Como. Investigators gathered information

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