Dieudonné Will be Tried in Court for ‘Advocating Terrorism’

French authorities announced an investigation of French comedian Dieudonné for “advocating terrorism” following his Facebook post after the Paris attacks. “Tonight, as far as I’m concerned, I feel like Charlie Coulibaly”, the comedian wrote, playing the expression “Je suis Charlie” (“I am Charlie”) off a reference to Friday’s kosher supermarket attacker Amedy Coulibaly. Minister of

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Toy Gun Affair With Images of Islam, Auchan Apologizes

A toy gun sold in the French supermarket Auchan has sparked debate. The gun features a logo that resembles a star and a crescent moon, symbols generally associated with Islam or Muslim-majority countries. The toy gun was sold for one euro and was reportedly distributed in the Paris area. The gun resembles an AK-47. Numerous

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Move over organic – the new big business in food is halal

The Haloodies, a growing group of food lovers who are bored of curries, fed up with kebabs, and long for nothing more exotic than a shepherd’s pie. Their increasing spending power has sparked a race among retailers, wholesalers and canny restaurateurs to carve out a chunk of a market that is worth about £420bn globally.

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Muslim employee sues Irish supermarket chain for unfair dismissal

A Muslim convert sues her previous employer, Dunnes Stores, a major Irish supermarket chain, for unfair dismissal. The Latvian-born woman converted to Islam after having worked for Dunnes Stores. When she started wearing the headscarf subsequent to her conversion she was told by the local store manager that “she couldn’t come to work wearing the

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Right-wing group launches anti-Islamic campaign in Chelmsford

26 July 2012 Members of English Defence League (EDL) organized a march against plans for a new mosque in Regina Way, Chelmsford, as part of the Waitrose supermarket development. Chairman of the EDL southeast Paul Pitt told the media that: ‘We are campaigning hard against this mosque and making sure that it does not happen.

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