Survey finds British Muslims exhibit highest levels of religious practices compared to believers of other faiths in the UK

A new survey conducted by Savanta ComRes, and sponsored by Premier Christian News, to study Britain’s public’s habits around attending religious services and praying, has found that Muslims are the faith community who exhibit the highest levels of this, with 4 in 5 saying they pray regularly. Hindus are the second community who pray most

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The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) releases the “American Muslim Poll 2019”,

The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) has released the “American Muslim Poll 2019”, its forth annual poll in which different religious groups, and those that consider themselves non-affiliated, are surveyed in order to compare attitudes. These religious groups are Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Protestants and white Evangelicals.  ISPU places the Poll in the context

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“Most non-Muslim adults in Western Europe favor at least some restrictions on the religious clothing of Muslim women”, Pew Research Center finds

In line with the introduction of burqa bans in many countries in Europe over recent years, a survey of fifteen European countries from the Pew Research Center has shown that “Most non-Muslim adults in Western Europe favor at least some restrictions on the religious clothing of Muslim women who live in their country”.

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Pew Research Center statistics reveal similarities and differences between U.S.-born and foreign-born Muslim Americans

The results of the Pew Research Center’s survey reveal, among other findings, that foreign-born and U.S.-born Muslim Americans engage in about the same levels of religious practice, while foreign-born Muslims tend to have a stronger socioeconomic foothold than their U.S.-born counterparts.

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