More and more radically Islamic women in France, says the Direction Centrale du Renseignement Interieur (DCRI)

According to the Central Office of the Information of the Interior (DCRI), a growing number of women in Auxerre, France are wearing niqabs and are increasingly conservative in their religious beliefs and practices. They actively proselytize when they pick up their children from school. Bernard Godard, author of Musulmans de France (with Sylvie Taussig, 2007),

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New Book Tallies Five Million Muslims in France

According to France’s Minister of the Interior, there are currently 5 million Muslims living in its border, approximately 5% of which are regular practitioners. In their new book on French Muslims (Les Musulmans en France, _dition Robert Laffont), Bernard Godard and Sylvie Taussig estimate that more that 1.5 million are Algerian or of Algerian-origin. The

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Les musulmans en France: Courants, institutions, communautés: un état des lieux

Ce précis de l’islam en France se distingue par son approche sociologique et clairement dépassionnée. Dans un souci permanent d’objectivité, Bernard Godard et Sylvie Taussig ont cherché à comprendre qui sont les millions d’hommes et de femmes, partageant le quotidien de tous les Français, qui appartiennent à cette religion, volontairement ou non, plus ou moins

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