CAIR-AZ Condemns ADL’s Stereotyping of Muslims in Bill 1062 Debate

February 28, 2014   The Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-AZ) today called on the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to apologize for stereotypical statements made about Muslims during recent debate over Arizona Senate Bill 1062, which would have shielded businesses from lawsuits if employees acted on religious beliefs to discriminate against customers. In testimony

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Lawyers for Boston Marathon bombing suspect seeking family testimony, immigration records

November 7, 2013   Lawyers for Boston Marathon bombing suspect seeking family testimony, immigration records Tsarnaev’s lawyers say prosecutors should turn over all of the materials they have to give a full picture of Tsarnaev as Attorney General Eric Holder decides whether to seek the death penalty and possibly for a jury “to see Mr.

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The Converts to Islam

“What I like about Islam? Certainly the concept of individual responsibility, the lack of an intermediary between the believer and God because, in Islam, there is no confession and the imam is not a priest” says Alessandro Paolantoni, a 45 year old Roman who converted to Islam in 2001. “I testify that there is no

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Missouri anti-Sharia law advances

JEFFERSON CITY • In what has become a regular ritual here, a state Senate committee heard testimony Tuesday on a bill that would prevent Sharia Law from taking over Missouri. The Senate General Laws committee also discussed a measure that would outlaw any federal attempts to regulate firearms in Missouri. The committee hasn’t acted on either

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Italian Muslims Greet the New Pope

Friday, March 15, 2013 This is the message addressed to Pope Francis sent by COREIS Italian an organization which represents Italian Muslims As Muslims, we wish to express to all Catholic Christians, our brothers in the faith of One God, our most heartfelt congratulations for the renewal of a leadership role for the Catholic Church.

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