In the midst of corona 19, the decision to close mosques is proving difficult for some.

In the midst of changing government policy as it deals with Covid 19, the United Kingdom has found itself in the midst of confusion as instructions has changed and ranged from continuing as normal, social distancing, keeping schools open, then closing them and the enforcement of the ban on bars and restaurants. While a number

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British Muslim school children getting abuse following Paris Attacks

Muslim pupils across Britain are suffering a backlash of bullying and abuse following the Charlie Hebdo massacre amid a broad rise in Islamophobia in schools, which the Government is failing to tackle, campaigners have told The Independent. The sole UK charity monitoring anti-Muslim hate crime said it had recorded a “significant” increase in incidents in

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Boris Johnson says radicalisation should be treated as child abuse

March 2, 2014   Muslim children who are at risk of being “radicalised” by their parents should be taken into care, according to the London mayor Boris Johnson. Defining young people being “taught crazy stuff” at home as effectively child abuse, Mr Johnson said the efforts of counter-terrorism officers and social care workers were being

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Katy Perry accused of ‘portraying blasphemy’ with Dark Horse video

February 28, 2014   An online petition demanding Katy Perry’s Dark Horse video be taken off YouTube has attracted about 65,000 signatures. According to the petitioners at, the video is guilty of “portraying blasphemy”, because of the video’s use of a pendant reportedly inscribed with the word Allah. Katy Perry’s Dark Horse clip, which

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Lee Rigby murderers sentenced to life in prison

February 26, 2014   The two religious fanatics who murdered Lee Rigby screamed a final act of defiance in court on Wednesday as they fought with guards and were dragged from the dock prior to receiving a whole-life and life sentence respectively for their killing of the 25-year-old soldier. In dramatic scenes Michael Adebolajo shouted

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