“The Trojan horse Affair”: The call for an independent inquiry

The Trojan Horse scandal centred on an anonymous letter that was leaked to Birmingham’s City Council (United Kingdom) in 20131. It alleged that teachers and governors in certain schools, within predominantly Muslim areas of Birmingham, were being “systematically overthrown and replaced by people who would run the schools according conservative Islamic principles”2. The photocopy of

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Play exploring the Trojan Horse scandal aims to hear the voices of the Birmingham Muslim community

This August, a documentary play based on over two hundred interviews from over ninety witnesses, including some of the teachers, pupils, parents, and governors involved, will explore the Trojan Horse scandal. Its writers say it aims to give a voice to the Muslim community in Birmingham traumatised by the events.

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Study explores possible religious factors underlying the educational attainment gap between Pakistani boys and their White-British counterparts

The study finds that attendance at madrassahs may negatively impact the educational attainment of Pakistani boys in the UK. However, there are a number of other factors that contribute to the attainment gap between this demographic and their White-British counterparts, and the influence of madrassahs is not all bad.

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