An immigrant woman sewed her lips together as a protest: “in my country they are going to kill me”

A 34 year old Tunisian woman decided to sew her lips together to protest against the decision by the Italian authorities, to refuse her request for political asylum. The woman had also begun a fast. In Tunisia she had been repudiated by her family because she became pregnant without being married. Her brother threatened her

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Novara: Woman is fined 500€ for wearing a burqa at the post office

In the first case of a fine for wearing a burqa in Italy. To be exact, the woman, a 26 years old Tunisian, was wearing a niqab, thus violating the recent bylaws of the Northern League’s mayor of Novara who justified the new rule for security reasons and to make clear that those who come

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French Immigration Minister denies conversion to Islam

French Immigration Minister Eric Besson has denied converting to Islam. Rumors began when Besson began sharing his private life with a young Tunisian woman. Some journalists suggested conversion would be necessary should he want to marry Wassila Bourguiba.

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