New poll reveals that “Belgians discriminate too much, too often” against Turkish and North African minorities

According to a survey recently revealed by the European Fundamental Rights Agency, 75 percent of Turkish or North African origin feel the are discriminated against too much and too often. Also of note, is that 80% of those surveyed said that they did not go to the police when the were victims of a racist

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Turkish sociologist begins broad analysis of Islam in Europe

With TL 3.5 million in support from the European Commission, France-based Turkish sociologist Dr. Nilüfer Göle is beginning the most comprehensive study to date on Islam in Europe. Göle is known for a number of research projects and books on the subject of Islam and Europe, with her most recent book, “Interpenetrations: Europe and Islam,”

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Immigrants fear ‘white’ neighborhoods, loneliness, hardened social climate

According to a report by the Social and Cultural Planning Bureau titled “You can’t buy good neighbors,” many Turkish and Moroccan Dutch are afraid of moving to “white” neighborhoods – neighborhoods with mostly ethnic Dutch. Moroccan immigrants say that they fear loneliness, alienation, and that neighborhoods would look away from them, and a generally hardened

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Turks to celebrate Karnival – their own way

By forming their own association, Cologne Turks hope to celebrate Karnival in their own way: with more respectful behavior and without alcohol. Turks in Cologne, Germany have formed a Karnival association in the hopes of better brokering the relationship between their beliefs and the raucous celebrations that usually occur during the Rhien city’s annual Carnival.

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Turks in Germany feel unwelcome

Over half of Turks living in Germany feel like unwanted guests. The survey was released ahead of the German Islam Conference on Thursday, March 13, where the thorny topic of integration tops the agenda. Over three quarters of the Turks surveyed, both with and without German passports, said German Chancellor Angel Merkel didn’t adequately represent

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