The Backlash against the UK Race Report:

At the end of March 2021, The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities published their report on racial inequalities in the UK. The Commission was initially formed following the murder of George Floyd in May 2020, which inspired burgeoning protests around the globe under the banner of the Black Lives Matter movement. In response to

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UK government’s ‘Integrated Communities Strategy’ draws criticism for its emphasis on minority communities and its ignorance of the effect of spending cuts

The ‘Integrated Communities Strategy’ green paper sets out “an ambitious long-term plan of action to tackle the root causes of poor integration and create a stronger, more united Britain”. It has invited submissions on this subject to its official consultation, which is running over the next twelve weeks. The paper has drawn criticism for its emphasis on minority communities, and ignorance of how spending cuts have hampered strategies already in place to achieve the paper’s proposed aims.

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