French politicians react to UNHCR panel opposition to niqab ban

The United Nations Human Rights Council has said France’s face veil ban is a violation of women’s rights, as it called for a review of the “sweeping” legislation. The body found that the French law, passed in 2010, violated the rights of two French women, who were fined in 2012 for concealing their faces in

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Germany to resettle 2,500 Iraqi refugees from Jordan, Syria

The highest proportion of refugees in Germany currently comes from Iraq, and another 2,500 are due to arrive soon by way of Jordan and Syria, according to a UN organization that resettles displaced Iraqis. Germany has agreed to resettle 2,500 Iraqi refugees, said the Amman office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on

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Hundreds of child immigrants arrive alone, says NGO

According to NGO Save the Children, hundreds of children who arrived on the Italian island of Lampedusa seeking refuge, arrived without parents or guardians. Of the 775 illegal migrant children who arrived on Lampedusa in the past three months, Save the Children cited that 82% arrived alone. According to the organization, the majority of children

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Hundreds of child immigrants arrive alone, says NGO

According to NGO Save the Children, hundreds of children who arrived on the Italian island of Lampedusa seeking refuge, arrived without parents or guardians. Of the 775 illegal migrant children who arrived on Lampedusa in the past three months, Save the Children cited that 82% arrived alone. According to the organization, the majority of children

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Dead immigrants to be honored with new memorial

A new memorial is expected to be unveiled on the island of Lampedusa, near Sicily, to serve as a memorial and reminder of the thousands of would-be migrants to Italy, that have died during their travels. It is not certain the number of migrants that have died in the past 20 years of this escalation

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