Dutch benefit event “radical” Muslims in Utrecht cancelled

A benefit event organized by the Dutch Muslim organization World Wide Relief in Party Centre Luxury in the Dutch city of Utrecht was cancelled by the centre. Spokesperson of Party Centre Luxury Gino Shaho stated that it was not known that “radical Muslims” would attend the benefit event. The organization World Wide Relief organized a

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Dutch Imam Elforkani quits preaching after threats

Yassin Elforkani, youth-imam from Amsterdam, decided to stop preaching in the Omar al-Farouk mosque in Utrecht since he is being threathened by extremists Muslims. They view him as a traitor and apostate because he tells youth not to go to Syria and Iraq to fight the jihad. He is therefore known as Holland’s most well-known

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Celebrating Ramadan in Friesland

8 August 2013 Muslims in the Netherlands celebrated of Eid al-Fitr and the end of Ramadan on 8 August 2013. To mark the event NL Times carries a profile of one man’s celebrations in the Netherlands. Youssef Nashmi is a 30 year old Syrian man living with his family in the province of Friesland. Nashmi’s

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Alleged Mosque Boarding School Revealed in Rotterdam

May 16 2013   A civil servant in Rotterdam has provided information revealing that there are allegedly Turkish mosque-related boarding schools operating in the city. According to his information the Faith mosque has housed girls as a residence, against the fire regulations which would not allow for the mosque to have a housing license.  The

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Public Advertisements “Censored” in Utrecht

14 April 2012 A poster displayed in a primarily Muslim neighbourhood of Utrecht which depicts a woman in a short, strapless dress has been covered over. A black plastic bag has been taped atop the posters, which are promotional material for the city’s museum weekend. A message on the bag reads, “La ilahe il Allah-

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