Vatican representative meets with Islam scholar in Cairo

December 4, 2013   Vatican City – The Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Msgr. Miguel Angel Ayuso, met Tuesday in Cairo with a senior scholar specializing in the Sunni Islam faith, said a Vatican spokesman. Ayuso met for 45 minutes with Abbas Shouman, the second-highest official with Al Azhar University, a world-renowned

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Vatican to accept Muslim dialogue call soon

The Vatican plans to respond positively to an appeal by Muslim scholars, in an unprecedented dialogue between Christians and Muslims. As of yet, the Catholic Church has not officially answered the call made last month by Muslim scholars, already hailed by many other Christian leaders. Cardinals in Rome and Vatican City asserted that Catholic leaders

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Christians must respond to challenges with ‘united voice,’ pope says

Pope Benedict has accepted an unprecedented call by Muslim scholars for dialogue between Christians and Islam, and invited them for meetings in Vatican City. “Without ignoring or downplaying our differences as Christians and Muslims, we can and therefore should look to what unites us, namely the belief in one God,” the Vatican wrote in a

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Vatican City: Muslim Letter to Pope

By Ian Fisher A group of 138 Muslim scholars urged Pope Benedict XVI and other Christian leaders to engage in a deep dialogue for peace between the faiths. Muslims and Christians together make up well over half of the world’s population, the 29-page letter read. Without peace and justice between these two religious communities, there

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