Veiled Electoral Candidate not Welcome on French Presidential Majority List

The departmental elections ( one of the local levels of state administration ) will take place in the summer of 2021. Two local candidates of the presidential majority have faced online backlash after a member of the extreme-right party Rassemblement National (RN) vehemently criticized the presence of a veiled woman as second substitute on the

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Towards the Ban of the Veil for French Women under 18?

Early April, the French Senate started to discuss the Bill aiming at reinforcing the Republican principles (a novlangue expression to talk about the Bill against “separatism”). In the French legislative system, two chambers are in charge : first the National Assembly, then the Senate that can propose amendments, and third a shared reading of the

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French Senate agrees to ban veiled mothers from joining their kids on a school trip

  On the 15th of May, the French Senate examined a proposal for a new law – named the Blanquer law, in reference to the minister of Education—anchored in a vast project of reforming the French school system. The professed objective of such a law, originally proposed by the government of President Macron, is to

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Denmark’s burqa ban is a repeat of so many before it. Will it backfire in the same way?

The recent burqa ban introduced in Denmark is the latest manifestation of a recurring pattern of burqa bans in Europe. These bans tend to end up backfiring, so will Denmark’s end up doing the same?

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Maryam Pougetoux: my veil is ‘absolutely not’ a political symbol

BuzzFeed news interviewed Sorbonne student Maryam Pougetoux following the national outcry surrounding her TV interview, in which she appeared in a hijab. Below is a translated excerpt of the interview. Buzzfeed: We are speaking one week after your interview…which sparked controversy. How do you manage all this? Maryam: The week was quite difficult, because we

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