Report on Muslims in Marseilles, France Released

A report carried out by Vincent Geisser and Françoise Lorcerie under the auspices of the “At Home Europe” program has been released. The report examines the Muslim population in Marseilles within six sectors: education, lodging, employment, health, safety, political participation, and social identity and the media. Approximately 30% of the city’s population is said to

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French scholar forecasts increased violence against Islam

July 27, 2011   French researcher Professor Vincent Geisser has said that terrorism attacks in Europe are a result of the climate against Muslims. Geisser, who said that Europe expresses its societal ills through Islamophobia, warned that there is a risk that Norwegian-like individual acts against Islam might become widespread in Europe. According to Geisser,

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Marseille mosque construction stirs resentment

Plans to build a grand mosque in France’s second-largest city of Marseille have set off fears. “I’m going to bomb it when it opens,” an older French man told The New York Times Monday, December 28, wishing to be unnamed. Plans are underway to build a $33-million grand mosque in the port city in April

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Olivier Roy Responds to the Geisser Affair in a Libération Interview

This article features an interview with Olivier Roy on the investigation of CNRS – employed Vincent Geisser, accused by some of holding Islamicist academic positions.

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CNRS Researcher Vincent Geisser Responds to Critics in Le Monde

Vincent Geisser, researcher at the CNRS accused of radicalizing Islam responds here to his critics, particularly Caroline Fourest’s explanation of the controversy around the “radical” nature of his research. Libération interviews Joseph Illand, in charge of internal security at the CNRS for his take on the controversy. Illand describes the ambiguity as to whether the

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