A secular Muslim’s guide to drinking alcohol during Ramadan

Writing in the Washington Post, Khaled Diab offers his guide to drinking alcohol during Ramadan for secular Muslims. While alcohol is considered prohibited by the majority of Muslims, a significant minority of Muslims do consume it, and interestingly, a number of Muslim-majority countries top the global rankings for alcohol consumption, meaning Muslims living in them often outdrink their Western counterparts.

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#MosqueMeToo gives Muslim women space to discuss sexual assault in Muslim sacred spaces

The columnist and gender activist, Mona Eltahawy, started the #MosqueMeToo movement to encourage women to share their experiences of sexual harassment and assault on the hajj and in other Islamic spaces. The movement opens the #MeToo movement up to Muslim women.

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‘I am fed up with this evil’: How an American went from Ivy League student to disillusioned ISIS fighter

Washington Post: In late October 2014, the FBI received an unusual email from a young man named Mohimanul Alam Bhuiya. Bhuiya, then 25, had joined the Islamic State. Now the longtime Brooklyn resident was desperate and looking for a way out. He wanted the FBI to rescue him. “I am an American who’s trying to

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Man who criticized church’s Ramadan message goes to mosque

HARRISBURG, Pa. — A Pennsylvania politician who apologized for criticizing a church that posted a message wishing Muslims a “blessed Ramadan” attended a worship service and dined at a Harrisburg mosque. School board member Matthew Jansen, invited to attend the Hadee Mosque on Friday, told members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community that his remarks earlier

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Trump’s shifting position Muslim ban causes Confusion

NEW YORK — From the moment he first declared it, the plan has been a signature of his campaign for president: “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” Yet from that first moment, the

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