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Extremist Swede gives millions to German anti-Islam party

Patrik Brinkmann, a Swedish far-right businessman, has announced to donate €5 to Pro NRW, a Cologne-based anti-Islam populist party. In a report to air Sunday night on Germany’s public broadcaster WDR, Brinkmann says he fears Germany is becoming “too foreign” and that shari’a law will be introduced in the country. Brinkmann, who moved to Berlin

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The Discussion About The “Children Of The Dschihad” Hear Times, Then It Does Not Stand In The Koran

By Souad Mekhennet In Many young Muslims live in the area of conflict between western society and the traditions of their parents. Some look for their identity in the religion and some finally increase in Islamic Fanatismus inside. In its book Souad Mekhennet this career/development describes the children of the Dschihad. WDR.de spoke with the

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