Pew Research Center study finds familiarity with Muslims is linked to positive views of Muslims and Islam in Western Europe

A Pew Research Center study has observed that “people who say they personally know a Muslim are generally more likely than others to have positive opinions of Muslims and their religion”. Knowing something about Islam (rather than personally knowing a Muslim) is less associated with positive opinions about Muslims and their religion, however.

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Fundamentalism and out-group hostility: Muslim immigrants and Christian natives in Western Europe

December 2013   In the heated controversies over immigration and Islam in the early 21st century, Muslims have widely become associated in media debates and the popular imagery with religious fundamentalism. Against this, others have argued that religiously fundamentalist ideas are found among only a small minority of Muslims living in the West, and that religious fundamentalism can equally

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A distressing map of religious freedom around the world

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has issued a report highlighting those it calls the worst violators of religious freedom in the world. Among them are many Asian and Middle Eastern governments, although some Western European countries are also included.   The report from the bipartisan advisory body divides violators into three categories. Fifteen “tier 1″

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French nationalists protest in Paris against radical Islam, allege Muslims won’t integrate

News Agencies – November 10, 2012   Hundreds of French nationalists demonstrated in Paris against Islamist extremism, chanting the French anthem and saying the religion has no place in the country. Three weeks ago, dozens of far-right French activists stormed an unfinished mosque to protest immigration policies that have made France home to Western Europe’s

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Islamophobia in the West: Measuring and Explaining Individual Attitudes

Since the late 1980s, growing migration from countries with a Muslim cultural background, and increasing Islamic fundamentalism related to terrorist attacks in Western Europe and the US, have created a new research field investigating the way states and ordinary citizens react to these new phenomena. However, whilst we already know much about how Islam finds

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