Switzerland: Group says anti-minaret petition to go to national referendum

Swiss nationalists say that they have enough signatures to force a nationwide Swiss referendum on whether or not to ban the construction of minarets on mosques. 103,000 signatures have been verified – exceeding the required minimum of 100,000. If approved, the referendum would take permanent place in the Swiss constitution to ban the towers, used…

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    Muslims feel under siege as Italian Right sets up town vigilante groups

    As Northern League leader Leandro Comacchio stands outside supermarkets in Padua collecting signatures for a referendum to stop the construction of a local mosque, Muslims in the area are feeling increasingly concerned about discrimination being masked as concerned residents. Comacchio says that his actions are not aimed at Muslims, but rather, as a protest against…

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    Switzerland: Swiss Rightwingers challenge minarets as “Islamist” threat

    Right-wing politicians from Switzerland’s largest political party on Thursday launched a campaign for a referendum to ban the construction of minarets on mosques, claiming they symbolized an Islamist bid for power. The group, including more than half of the Swiss People’s Party’s (SVP) parliamentarians, said in a statement that a ban would help stop “attempts…

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      Islam: Siena, Lista Civica; Presenta Ricorso Contro; Moschea Colle Val D’elsa

      Esponenti della Lega Nord Toscana saranno presenti al Tribunale di Poggibonsi in occasione del dibattimento sul ricorso presentato dalla Lista Civica di Colle Val d’Elsa (Siena) sul referendum contro la moschea che dovrebbe sorgere, nei piani dell’amministrazione comunale, in localita’ ‘La Badia’. Lo annuncia il Carroccio di Siena. ”Dalla Magistratura, indipendente dalla politica come sancito…

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        Immigrati/Calderoli: Da Ddl Cittadinanza; Unione Cerca Nuovi Voti; Serve Referendum Abrogativo O Condizioneranno Nostro Futuro

        Quello presentato dal ministro Amato e approvato in Consiglio dei Ministri _ soltanto il cavallo di Troia con cui si cerca di introdurre il diritto di voto per gli immigrati, perch_ questi sono partiti dimezzando i tempi previsti per acquisire la cittadinanza ma hanno in mente altro. Lo sostiene in una nota Roberto Calderoli, Vice…

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